We restore muscles and have fun.

As you know, after a well-done workout you need to relax thoroughly. After all, muscles progress in growth precisely during rest hours. Therefore, healthy sleep, preferably even during the day, as well as passive rest, such as reading a book, watching a movie and others, will help you...

However, often just sleeping or lying on the couch is not enough to speed up muscle recovery. Additional means are required to speed up the recovery of the athlete, such as: all kinds of water procedures, sauna, steam room, bathhouse, regular and contrast showers, massage and self-massage. And if you need to somehow bother with self-massage, and you don’t have much strength left for it after a quality workout in the gym, then a massage performed by an experienced specialist is an indescribable pleasure...

Lie down, completely relaxed, listen to pleasant music, and an experienced massage therapist kneads every square centimeter of your tense muscles. Plus to all this the aromas of oils and incense. And there are also different types of massage - so you will definitely never get tired of the procedure. You can always treat yourself to something new...

In a word: beauty - we restore muscles and have fun. After a massage, I usually come out a renewed, reborn person... It feels like I have already fully recovered and am ready to fight again to pull iron. And this despite the fact that I’m just back from training. Here's how massage has a positive effect on our recovery and well-being - take note...

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