“Women’s mobile consultation” will appear in Ukraine in November

“Women’s mobile consultation” will appear in Ukraine in November

From the beginning of next month, a mobile antenatal clinic will begin operating in Ukraine, which will be equipped with the latest medical equipment for diagnosing cancer tumors. The mobile medical complex is an 18-meter trailer that will move around the country and provide women with the opportunity to receive qualified medical care in any corner of Ukraine.

The appearance of such a unique mobile complex will improve the early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer in women. As you know, in Ukraine there is a very poor situation with early diagnosis, as a result of which breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. However, early detection of the tumor significantly increases the chances of recovery. It is especially important that residents of remote areas can make the diagnosis.

Today the machine is technically ready for work. It remains to obtain several permits, since such a complex is a precedent for Ukraine. Diagnostics using the most modern equipment and the latest methods will be carried out by employees of the National Cancer Institute. They are currently developing a schedule for the departure of the mobile medical complex, taking into account weather conditions.

The first patients of the Mobile Women's Clinic will be able to undergo examination at the end of November. During the first month, the consultation will operate in Kyiv. It consists of three departments: the emergency department, mammography and gynecology rooms. The complex will also serve people with disabilities. For these purposes, a specialized lift with a hydraulic drive is installed.

"Women's mobile consultation" is an important step in the fight against cancer among women in Ukraine. Such a mobile medical complex will allow women to receive qualified medical care, as well as increase public awareness of the need for regular medical examinations and cancer diagnosis. In turn, this will help reduce the incidence and mortality from cancer among women in Ukraine.