Sex strengthens the body's immune system

Sexual satisfaction not only brings joy and pleasure, but also has a positive effect on human health. Swiss immunologist Manfred Shedlowski conducted a study and found that sex strengthens the human immune system. According to his calculations, after orgasm the number of phagocytes (immune “killer cells”) in the blood increases by one and a half times.

Phagocytes play an important role in fighting infections and diseases. They recognize neighboring cells infected with viruses and destroy them. An increase in the number of phagocytes in the blood after sexual intercourse can strengthen the body's defense against various infections.

The scientist has not yet figured out how sexual satisfaction affects immunity. However, he recalled that sex activates all biologically significant processes in the body, and immune reactions in this regard were no exception.

Additionally, sex can help reduce stress levels, which can also negatively impact the immune system. During sexual intercourse, endorphins are produced - joy hormones, which improve mood and reduce stress levels.

However, as in any other case, everything should be in moderation. Sexual activity should be consistent with the physical capabilities and desires of each person. In addition, it is necessary to take precautions and use condoms to protect against infections and pregnancy.

In conclusion, we can say that sex is not only enjoyable, but also has health benefits, including the body's immune system. It helps strengthen the immune system and reduce stress levels, which has a positive effect on the overall health of the body. However, as in any other case, it is necessary to take precautions and not forget about your health.