No xplode and a comprehensive gym for training athletes.

From the first part of this article, our dear readers, you will learn about a unique dietary supplement for bodybuilders, fitness models and athletes of various strength disciplines, as well as where to buy it. The second part will tell you about the complex development of A.D. Skripko for comprehensive physical training of both professional athletes and amateur beginners...

But, as they say, everything is in order...

What is no xplode? And what do you eat it with?

Many of our readers, with enviable consistency, using E-mail, the comment service and the feedback page, ask almost in unison the same corrosive question:

“What is the best thing to take immediately before a workout at the gym?”

Our experts have worked on this topic from “A” to “Z” and will now give you their competent answer to this, in fact, not such a simple question:

We would recommend that you buy no xplode 2.0. Because no xplode 2.0 is a unique nutritional supplement designed to be taken orally just before the start of your strength training. Almost instantly after consuming it, you receive an almost lightning-fast tangible surge of energy, physical strength, vigor, pumping, in a word - an increase in productivity.

You can now buy NO xplode 2.0 in almost any online sports nutrition store. This supplement is certainly not cheap, but the benefits from it are simply amazing. All our athletes and coaches who tried this product responded only positively. We have not heard any complaints or negative feedback from anyone. So we strongly recommend this useful thing - you and your sparring partners will notice the increase in energy and productivity with the naked eye.

So, we’ve sorted out what to eat immediately before training. Now we will tell you about a complex specialized gym for training athletes, developed by our compatriots.

The complex gym is designed to improve the educational training process in physical education of students and the training of qualified athletes (author A.D. Skripko).

The functional diagram of the system for managing the training process of athletes in a complex gym is shown in the figure.

The system consists of two main units - the athlete's block (there may be several of them) and the trainer-researcher's block, as well as external subsystems - a computer and an educational film and television center. The trainer-teacher sets the program and, together with the trainer-researcher, monitors the athletes working on the simulators and corrects their training work.

The athlete's block consists of a number of elements: a simulator, sensors, electrical signal generators, urgent information devices (electronic movement counters, cathode beam and light beam oscilloscopes, chronometers, dynamometers and other devices). The athlete's sensors (accelerometers, goniometers, contact insoles and tensile insoles, etc.) carry information about the biodynamic and physiological (ECG, heart rate, EMG, frequency of movements, etc.) characteristics of the movements performed. Sensors on the simulators (D1, D2,..., Dn) are used to record the magnitude of the maximum force developed by the athlete, the force impulse, amplitude, number and frequency of movements. Electrical signals from the sensors are supplied to the shapers, from which they are supplied in the form of pulses or a continuous electrical signal to the receiving and amplifying equipment and the corresponding recorders in the trainer-researcher unit.

The trainer-researcher block is a specially equipped workstation and includes a switching device through which electrical signals (ST1, ST2,..., STn) enter the receiving and amplifying equipment, where they are deciphered and then supplied to recorders. The trainer-researcher's block also includes a video recorder and a television camera for recording exercises performed by athletes, which are reproduced on television screens, one of which is located in the hall on a rotating suspension, and the second is in the trainer-researcher's block. With the help of video recordings, both trainers and the athlete, who can control his movements during the exercises, simultaneously monitor the technique of performing the exercises.

The scheme has external subsystems - educational cinema and television center and Computer. The first is used to demonstrate educational films on various issues of sports training and playback individual moments of training recorded on a video recorder. The computer is used for processing and mathematical analysis of data entered into it from recording devices.

Feedback channels are formed for urgent adjustment of the motor activity of athletes during the training process and transmission of the results of processed primary information from the computer, with the help of which the training program for subsequent periods and individual sessions is determined.

During the training session, the athlete controls some parameters of his movements (for example, the number, frequency and amplitude of movements, the force developed during the exercise) using urgent information devices. The trainer-researcher analyzes the information received and does preliminary processing. The results are discussed with the trainer-teacher during the training or after it. Thus, the training work of athletes for the next lesson is determined.

The proposed scheme can be practically implemented in whole or in part in an educational institution.

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