Scientists: Keeping secrets is physically difficult

Women's inability to keep secrets very often leads to various conflicts, depression and nervous breakdowns. Scientists from Tufts University in Boston (USA) tried to find out why the fair sex is unable to keep information secret.

Experts have found that as soon as a woman learns valuable information, she immediately has a need to share it with others. All this depends on the emotional load, which acts as a real burden on some girls and affects them on a physical level. Women who keep secrets are slow, inattentive, and cannot concentrate on one thing.

Scientists decided to test the relationship between such sensorimotor states and knowledge of a certain secret. The doctors divided the volunteers taking part in the experiment into two groups: one was asked to remember some important secret and share it with others. Those people who were in the "secret keepers" group were then asked to estimate the steepness of the hill and determine the distance. They described them as a “steep hill” and a “long distance” and noted that the task was difficult for them and they could not concentrate on it.

This happens in everyday life - as soon as a woman finds out some secret, she becomes emotionally dependent and absent-minded. And the more important the secret, the worse the girls feel, so they rush to share it with others.