Exercises for the forearms

This category contains all the forearm exercises we know. Pay special attention to this section, since it is very difficult to train this muscle group. These articles will help you overcome the natural barrier and significantly improve the quality of your “difficult muscles”...

  1. Reverse grip biceps curl
  2. Zottman Curls
  3. Extension, flexion of the hands with a barbell
  4. Double blow when working with dumbbells - biceps supination.

Reverse grip biceps curl

"Reverse biceps" - one of the key exercises in developing and shaping forearm muscles. An alternative name for this exercise is “Reverse Grip Biceps Curl” or “Overhand Biceps Curl.”

The exercise can be performed in various variations of the apparatus:

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Zottman Curls

Grip curl «Hammer» or, in another way, «Zottman Curl», is another exercise that effectively affects not only the biceps brachii, but also the muscles of the forearm. In fact, this is nothing more than a regular dumbbell biceps curl, in which the hands are in the middle position (between the overhang and the pick-up), in other words, rotated inward by 90 degrees. Hold the dumbbells as if you were holding a hammer.

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Extension, flexion of the hands with a barbell

A classic exercise that all top bodybuilding stars perform. Use barbell curl in your training, constantly changing your grip:

  1. pick-up,
  2. overhand.

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Double blow when working with dumbbells - biceps supination.

Let's remember one good old exercise from the arsenal of bodybuilding and fitness: standing dumbbell curls. Moreover, in this case, the key point is lifting the dumbbells, because this technique is not applicable for the barbell...

As you know, a variation of this exercise with dumbbells has some obvious advantages and can be performed: simultaneously with both hands or alternately with one or the other... However, not everyone knows that when performing this exercise you can use such an important addition as supination. So, the topic of this note: supination of the biceps when lifting dumbbells from a standing position is an excellent exercise in bodybuilding and fitness for a comprehensive effect not only on the biceps, but also on the muscles of the forearm and hand. By the way, let’s immediately make a reservation: generally speaking, the term “biceps supination” is not entirely correct. The biceps brachii muscle cannot be supinated, and the anatomically correct term is “hand and forearm supination.” What is it? - in fact, this is an outward rotation (about 180 degrees) of the hand and forearm from a palm-down position to a palm-up position. The antagonistic inward movement in the opposite direction is called pronation.

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