Explosive mixture will relieve headaches

Headache is one of the most common ailments that most people face. Its causes can be varied: from overwork to serious illnesses. Moreover, pharmaceutical drugs cannot always help cope with this problem. In such cases, folk remedies may be more effective.

There are many recipes that will help get rid of headaches. Some of them may seem unusual, but many of these remedies have been time-tested and proven to be effective.

One of the most effective folk remedies is explosive mixtures. They can include a variety of ingredients such as fresh berries, herbs, vegetables, spices and many others.

For example, to relieve headaches, you can use “mustard plasters” of grated horseradish or radish, which are applied to the back of the head or between the shoulder blades, as well as to the calf muscles. You can also eat a piece of black bread with a small amount of grated horseradish, and brush the horseradish juice onto your whiskey.

Garlic, boiled with beans, ground with vegetable oil and applied to the temples, also helps with headaches and insomnia. And steam baths with apple cider vinegar and water can reduce accumulated tension and fatigue.

Fresh strawberries, lingonberries, fresh viburnum juice, blackcurrant and potato juice can also help get rid of headaches. A decoction of St. John's wort, lemon balm or chamomile tea can also reduce pain.

In addition, there are more unusual ways to combat headaches. For example, you can moisten gauze with beet or onion juice, insert the swab into your ear and hold it there until the pain goes away. Or put 2-3 chestnut fruits under your pillow at night, which has the ability to “draw out” pain.

There are also recipes that are based on magical or religious beliefs. For example, you can look at the moon with your right eye and whisper 3 times: “You, a month, should be full, and I’ll be healthy.” Or hold a sieve over your head to relieve headaches.

However, do not forget that all these recipes are not a panacea, and if the headache does not go away after using them, then it is better to seek medical help. Some forms of headaches may be signs of serious medical conditions that require professional treatment.

In addition, it must be remembered that some folk remedies may cause allergic reactions or other side effects. Before using any product, especially if you have any diseases or allergies, you should always consult your doctor.

Thus, explosive mixtures and other folk remedies can help cope with headaches, but they are not a universal cure. They are best used in combination with other treatments such as rest, exercise, proper nutrition, etc.