Five hip exercises you can do in front of the TV

Oh, those thighs! How often, when you eat something extra, it immediately “pops out” on your thighs, and then stubbornly refuses to go away. The answer to the question: “What to do to make your hips beautiful?” It seems clear - you need to study. But where is the way out if there is no way to go to the gym? Of course, study at home. And the main danger in this matter is that not everyone can study at home.

Most often, a stop in home exercises occurs at the moment when you realize that now you need to turn off your favorite program (or movie), turn on the hated workout and start practicing. To make the training process easier, and so that you can not look away from the TV during class, we offer you a simple, but effective complex for the hips.

  1. Swing back

The back swing is a great exercise for working the hamstrings. Stand exactly close to the wall (or take a chair). Be sure to straighten your back, stretch the top of your head up, tighten your stomach, tuck your buttocks. The body should resemble a violin string, and the stomach and buttocks should be tense. Lightly touch the wall with one hand so that you can maintain balance during the exercise.

As you exhale, lift your leg back. The body remains motionless; the supporting leg can be slightly bent so as not to injure the knee. Do three sets of 15 reps on each leg.

  1. Swing to the side

To perform the next exercise, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, your abs tense, your head reaching toward the ceiling, your knees slightly bent. Place your right leg to the side, and as you exhale, lift it as far as you can. It is very important that the leg that rises is straight and the supporting leg is slightly bent. The body remains motionless during movement.

Perform three sets of 20 times on each leg.

  1. Plie squats

Plie squats are taken from the dancers' program. Have you ever noticed how strong their legs are? No, not pumped up, but rather strong? The basis of leg training for dancers is precisely this type of squats. To perform it, stand near a wall or window sill, spread your feet apart, legs together. The butt and stomach need to be tensed well.

As you exhale, do a squat of medium depth. It is very important that the knees do not go beyond the level of the feet, and that the spine remains perfectly straight. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do three sets of 10 reps.

  1. Mahi lying down

To perform this exercise, lie on your side, with your lower arm bent at the elbow and your upper arm at your waist. The body should lie perfectly straight, buttocks and abs should be tense. Slowly, with your toes well stretched, lift your upper leg up, hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. The body, however, should not move.

Repeat the same thing, turning over to the other side. Do three sets of 15 reps.

  1. Circular movements

Take the same position as in the previous exercise. From the starting position, lift your leg up, keep your knee perfectly straight and fix the position. Then start drawing small circles: 10 in each direction. The circles are performed slowly, the amplitude is small. The body should not move during the exercise.

Perform two approaches on both legs.