Beer cures a runny nose

Beer cures a runny nose: truth or myth?

The sensational statement of Japanese scientists that beer can help cope with a runny nose and ARVI has caused a strong reaction in the world. But how true is this statement?

According to scientists, beer contains humulone, which helps the body fight infectious diseases. However, to get the healing effect, you need to drink at least 30 cans of beer. And this can already lead to the opposite result, since alcohol has a negative effect on the immune system.

But you shouldn’t immediately give up beer as a medicine. There is an old folk recipe that suggests using beer to fight runny noses and colds. To do this, you need to preheat the beer to 60 degrees (no more), add honey to it and drink just a glass of the drink before bed. This recipe helps block the first symptoms of a cold and prevent its development.

It is also worth noting that women are not recommended to indulge in beer, since alcohol and some components of beer can have a negative impact on health. Smoking should also be avoided, as it reduces immunity and contributes to the development of colds.

Thus, beer is not a universal cure for the common cold and ARVI, but in some cases it can have a positive effect when used in accordance with the recommendations. But do not forget that the best way to combat colds is prevention, which includes a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular strengthening of the immune system.