Scientists have named the most harmful drink for women

A group of scientists found that beer is considered the most harmful drink for women's health. Of course, beer is harmful for both men and women. But the intoxicating drink has a more detrimental effect on the fairer sex.

Frequent drinking of beer can not only ruin a woman’s figure, but also change a woman’s hormonal levels.

The greatest danger to women's health is phytoestrogen, which is contained in hops. Once in the female body, it causes hormonal imbalance, which can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and even infertility.

It is no longer a secret to anyone that thanks to a foamy drink it is very easy to gain weight. One bottle of beer contains from 200 to 250 kcal - this is half a full meal, in addition, it causes appetite, since its main components (hops, alcohol) stimulate the need for food.

Phytoestrogen also contributes to nervous system disorders: a woman can become more hot-tempered, irritable and whiny.

To avoid all this, be careful about your diet and choose those drinks that will benefit you and make you healthier and more beautiful.