Yoga exercises to cleanse the body

Gymnastics and yoga help maintain health - strengthen muscles, make them elastic, normalize blood circulation throughout the body and, accordingly, improve metabolism. There is a set of exercises that are recommended to be performed every day for good health and proper functioning of the body, speeding up metabolism.

Take a sitting or standing position, keep your back straight and shoulders down. Tilt your head down, relax, close your eyes and stay in this position for 30 seconds. This relieves tension in the neck muscles and normalizes the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

Raise your legs up along the wall, spreading them as wide as possible. Keep your feet horizontal and remain in this position for 1-2 minutes. This straightens your posture, opens your shoulders, trains your thigh muscles and inner thigh muscles, and stimulates blood circulation in your legs.

Lie on your back, stretch your arms above your head, clasp your palms together, place your left foot on top of your right. Stretch to the right as far as possible and stay in this position for a minute. Then change sides. This opens and strengthens the intercostal muscles.

Place a chair in front of you, bend at an angle of 90 degrees, rest your hands on the back of the chair. In this position, slightly arch your back, as if pulling yourself up. This relaxes the muscles of the arms, back, neck and normalizes breathing.

Tie an elastic band below chest level and keep your back straight. Take a deep breath and exhale. Take 10-15 breaths. This strengthens the intercostal muscles.

Lie on your back, place a cushion under your shoulders and neck. Raise your arms up and spread them to the sides, bend your legs at the knees, keep your back straight. Stay in this position for a minute. This stimulates blood flow and relieves fatigue from the cervical-collar area.

Stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Raise and lower your left leg back. Repeat 20 times, then change legs. This improves lymph circulation.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, keep your arms straight. Start by taking turns raising your arms back and forth, while keeping your body motionless. Do 1-2 minutes. This improves lymph circulation in the chest and armpits.