Carefully, moles: what to do if a mole grows

Moles are formations on the skin that often do not pose any health hazard. However, when a mole begins to grow, it may be a sign of a medical condition that requires attention and treatment. In this article, we'll explain why moles can grow and what to do if you notice an enlarging mole.

Why moles grow

Often moles begin to increase in size during solar activity, trips to the south and sunbathing on the beach. The most common causes of the growth of moles is the human papilloma virus, which actively develops with weak immunity, as well as excessive exposure to the sun without sunscreen. Poor diet, thyroid problems or any other hormonal imbalance can also cause moles to grow.

What to do when a mole grows

If you notice that one of the moles on your body has begun to grow, you need to consult a doctor who will help you understand the reasons and, if necessary, take some tissue for analysis. Most often, doctors will suggest that you remove the mole to stop its growth. In modern clinics, this procedure does not cause pain, and the recovery period is minimal. With the right approach, you won't even have a scar.

There are also traditional methods for removing moles. For example, before the advent of medicine in its modern format, moles were removed with garlic juice, which was smeared on the formations 3-4 times a day. The celandine method was also popular, when celandine juice was squeezed onto a mole for 10 days. However, before using traditional methods, be sure to consult a doctor, because experiments with moles can end sadly, in particular, you can get a burn.

If you notice an enlargement of a mole while on vacation and there is no opportunity to see a doctor right now, you can use the home method. Take a small amount of baking soda and add a couple of drops of castor oil to it. Apply the resulting mixture to the mole at night, and also completely limit the contact of the mole with the sun.

How to prevent a mole from growing

Every person has moles on their body and their number increases throughout life. To protect moles from growing, follow simple rules.

Use creams with SPF. During the warm season, always use body and face products with sun protection factor. This will help protect your skin from sun damage, which can cause moles to grow.

Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. It is especially important to avoid the sun between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun's rays are most active. If you are out in the sun, wear sunscreen, clothing and hats to protect your skin.

Monitor the condition of your skin. Check your skin regularly for new moles or changes to existing ones. If you notice changes, consult your doctor.

Eat right. Eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals will help maintain healthy skin and strengthen the immune system, which will reduce the risk of mole growth.


Moles can grow for various reasons, such as prolonged exposure to the sun, hormonal imbalances and the human papillomavirus. If you notice an enlarged mole, see your doctor for treatment recommendations. To prevent the growth of moles, follow simple rules: use sunscreen, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, take care of your skin and eat right.