How to cheer up without coffee: 3 recipes for natural energy drinks

Winter mornings can be especially challenging when the body has not yet woken up and the work day needs to begin. Many people turn to coffee to get a boost, but too much caffeine can have negative effects on the body. Additionally, some people cannot consume coffee due to high blood pressure or other medical reasons. In such cases, it is useful to know that there are other foods that can help you perk up and gain energy without harming your health. In this article, we'll look at three natural energy drink recipes that will help you start your day on the right note.

Ayurvedic drink “Power of the Sun”

To prepare this drink, you will need the following ingredients: 0.5 liters of milk, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of dried ginger root, 1 tablespoon of carob, 1 teaspoon of agave syrup and 1 teaspoon of turmeric.

Ginger root in Ayurvedic medicine is considered one of the most powerful components for increasing immunity and energy. In combination with turmeric, it maintains a high level of vitality balance and protects against colds. Carob, sold in health food stores, is a substitute for cocoa and contains less caffeine, but still has a tonic effect on the body. Agave syrup, also sold in health food stores, is a natural substitute for sugar and contains fewer calories.

Method of preparation: heat the milk to a comfortable temperature for you, pour the milk into a blender, add coconut oil, ground ginger root, agave syrup and carob. Blend in a blender until smooth, pour the drink into a cup and sprinkle turmeric on top. Enjoy the sweet spicy taste of natural energy drink!

Energy fitness cocktail

To prepare this drink, you will need the following ingredients: 100 ml lemon juice, 100 ml lime juice, 2 cups warm water, half a teaspoon of sea salt and 2 teaspoons of honey.

Citrus juice contains electrolytes, antioxidants and vitamin C. These components help detoxify the body after sleep, tone it, and improve brain and physical performance. Sea salt also contains electrolytes, which help restore the balance of salts in the body after a night's sleep. Honey contains glucose, which is a source of energy for the body.

Method of preparation: mix lemon and lime juices, add warm water, sea salt and honey. Stir well until the honey is completely dissolved. Pour the drink into a glass and enjoy the refreshing taste of an energetic fitness cocktail!

Green smoothie

To make a green smoothie, you will need the following ingredients: 1 green apple, 1 banana, 1 stalk of fresh spinach, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 glass of water and ice.

Green apples contain antioxidants that help fight stress and improve brain function. Bananas contain potassium and magnesium, which help restore electrolyte balance in the body and increase energy levels. Spinach contains iron and vitamin C, which help improve blood circulation and increase stamina.

Directions: Cut the apple and banana into pieces, place them in a blender, add spinach, honey, water and ice. Beat all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour the drink into a glass and enjoy the taste of a fresh green smoothie!

Natural energy drinks can help you start your day on the right note and get the energy you need without compromising your health. Try one of these recipes and feel how your body wakes up and starts working!