How to maintain health in the fall?

In autumn, chronic fatigue often makes itself felt. Ordinary carrots and dried apricots will help to cope with it, as well as improve the health of the body.

Root vegetables are boiled in milk and consumed for increased irritability, loss of strength and decreased libido. This remedy also helps cope with gastrointestinal disorders. Carrots are also useful for kidney stones or bladder stones. Eat a glass of grated carrots on an empty stomach in the morning and wait half an hour before breakfast; This simple technique will help you deal with stones. In addition, daily consumption of carrots is a good prevention of cancer.

But problems with heart function will be solved by dried apricots. It also normalizes blood pressure, supports the kidneys and cleanses blood vessels. Eat 100-150 grams of dried apricots every day, pre-soaked in warm boiled water. This will provide the body with the necessary dose of potassium and limit the intake of sodium (we usually have too much salt anyway).

Author: Maria Lukina