White wine destroys tooth enamel

Dentists in Europe warn that white wine can worsen the condition of your teeth. However, they still emphasize that it is possible to protect tooth enamel from the effects of this drink.

It has long been known that red wine can be harmful to teeth. However, recent research into the acid found in white wine has shown that it can have a much stronger effect on tooth enamel than the acid found in red wine.

During the study, experiments were carried out, which made it possible to find out the effect of white wine on teeth. It turned out that in just one day they lost a layer of enamel approximately 60 microns in thickness. This is explained by the fact that the drink simply washes away the calcium and fluoride that the enamel contains. At the same time, it is important to note that this result did not depend on either the year of production of the wine or its variety.

Researchers console us: if wine is consumed with cheese, it will significantly reduce the effect of this harmful acid. Cheeses with a high calcium content are especially effective. But fruit juices and strawberries activate this acid even more.

Source: novostiua.net