Too many friends on social networks leads to stress

Research from the University of Edinburgh Business School found that the more Facebook friends a person has in the family and management categories, the more stress they experience. By adding colleagues, employers, or parents as friends, he increased his overall level of anxiety.

Actually, the cause of stress is that a person may appear in front of some friends in an unsightly form. This includes photographs of cigarettes and alcohol, swearing, and reckless behavior.

Moreover, the problem is especially relevant in relation to the older age group, because the expectations of these people differ from the expectations of young people. According to statistics, about 55% of parents follow their children on Facebook. And more than 50% of employers say they have had to refuse a job to a person based on his profile on a social network.

It is known that the largest group of people on the friend list are those whom a person actually knows. Next come “family”, “relatives”, “friends of friends”, “colleagues”. A separate issue is “former” (appears on the list for 64% of users). It is noteworthy: only 56% of users added their significant other to their friends list.
