Chocolate will relieve cough

Recent research conducted by Canadian scientists has caught the attention of the medical community with its unusual finding: chocolate may be effective in relieving coughs and sore throat symptoms. This discovery, which may seem surprising, is based on the unique properties of theobromine found in chocolate.

The study was conducted on a group of volunteers suffering from cough. Half of the participants took medications traditionally used to treat coughs, while the other half were required to consume chocolate. The results of the study were amazing.

It turned out that the group that consumed chocolate experienced significant relief from cough and sore throat. This discovery sets chocolate apart from other sweets and confirms its potential medicinal properties. Scientists attribute this effect to theobromine, a biologically active substance found in cocoa beans, the main ingredient in chocolate.

Theobromine is a natural alkaloid that has an antitussive effect. It can relax the muscles of the airways and reduce their sensitivity to irritants such as inflammation or allergens. This helps relieve coughing and reduce sore throat.

Surprisingly, the effect of theobromine was even stronger than that of codeine, one of the main components of many cough medications. Codeine has some unwanted side effects, such as drowsiness or indigestion, while chocolate may provide additional health benefits in addition to being enjoyable.

However, you should not rush to get carried away with chocolate in unlimited quantities. Scientists recommend moderate consumption and give preference to those types of chocolate that contain more cocoa and less sugar. The ideal option is dark chocolate with a high cocoa content - it contains more theobromine and fewer additives and preservatives.

It is important to note that chocolate is not a panacea for all types of cough and throat and respiratory diseases. It may be helpful in reducing cough symptoms in some cases, but is not a substitute for professional medical treatment. If symptoms persist or worsen, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, a study conducted by Canadian scientists showed that chocolate, thanks to the theobromine it contains, may have a positive effect on relieving coughs and reducing sore throats. However, before consuming chocolate as a “medicine”, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. Remember that chocolate should be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.