How to pump up your biceps on the horizontal bar?

Any man, even those who have nothing to do with bodybuilding, wants to have large and prominent biceps. After all, this is the part of the body that first of all falls under the gaze of girls in the summer season. Moreover, large, massive shoulders are a sign of a dominant male, immediately noticeable to the naked eye among the other gray, inconspicuous mass...

So our target is a massive biceps brachii flexor. Everyone wants to have it, but only a few are seriously involved in its formation. People find a lot of reasons: lack of a gym, lack of time, bad heredity and other excuses. All this is complete nonsense. You can develop the desired body part quite calmly and at home, with a minimum of equipment. After all, it is possible to find a crossbar or a horizontal bar almost anywhere, and you can even make it with your own hands, for example, according to this diagram...

How to pump up your biceps on the horizontal bar?

When asking the question: how to pump up biceps on the horizontal bar, you are more likely to fail, which makes the future athlete psychologically unprepared for impact training. It seems to you that to achieve your cherished goal you definitely need: a barbell (or at least collapsible dumbbells), a Scott bench, a biceps machine, and who knows what else... But this is not so! You can get by with just one crossbar, with a lot of effort and following our recommendations. All that is required of you is a responsible approach to business, and the allocation of at least twenty minutes of your time a day for high-intensity training, which will be discussed further...

There are a huge number of techniques that can and should be combined to achieve optimal results. Your main task is to start studying and not give up for at least the first month. Then your body will begin to get used to the set pace and will carry you to training.

How to pump up your biceps on the horizontal bar?

The basis of our work is:

  1. Reverse grip - it is in this variation of pull-ups that the load on the biceps flexor of the shoulder is maximum.
  2. Narrow grip width, because the narrower we grab, the greater the load on the biceps, and by spreading our arms wider, the load shifts to the back, thereby reducing the impact on the biceps.
  3. A small number of repetitions per approach. But in such a way that the last two iterations are extremely difficult for you.

Let's talk about a specific training plan:

The start of the course depends on your physical fitness, the number of pull-ups you can do in one approach. If you are not able to do it even once, here are some simple recommendations for you:

  1. use your partner's help,
  2. pull yourself up on a low bar. Moreover, not hanging, but standing at an angle.
  3. use cheating in all available forms.

If you haven’t done much on the horizontal bar, but are still capable of something, you will need to use a special technique that will allow you not only to pump up your biceps, but also to increase the total number of pull-ups. You will need to do 3 approaches:

We pump our biceps on the bar.

  1. Grab the horizontal bar with an overhand grip and perform it as many times as your body allows. This technique does not load the entire biceps, but only some of its components. But we will need this to increase your strength, which will help you build up those treasured muscles faster.
  2. During the second approach, grab the projectile with a reverse narrow grip. The distance between the hands should not exceed the width of the palm. You will need to do only 5-6 repetitions, the technique of which is different from regular pull-ups with an overhand grip. Hang and sharply pull yourself up, then, exhaling smoothly, lower yourself down. Performing the exercise in this way will maximally hammer your biceps, which will globally accelerate its growth.
  3. This approach completely repeats the first one. This technique allows you not to overstrain the muscles, but at the same time, increase their size. In addition, your strength qualities are trained.

You need to do the workout every other day or two, depending on the speed of recovery of the body.

When you realize that the previous method has become too easy for you and no longer develops your muscles so intensively, move on to the next method. As before, the training will consist of 3 approaches, but now all approaches will be the same and they will be focused specifically on improving your two-headed...

At this stage we will definitely need external weight for additional load.

A powerful shoulder flexor is always in style!

External weight is a weight attached to the athlete that serves to increase the physical impact on the target muscles. These could be, for example, weighted cuffs with Velcro, which can be bought at any sports store. If you have a dumbbell in your home equipment, use it. Using a belt, attach the dumbbell to your body, otherwise resort to the invention of a homemade weight. You can take a satchel or backpack, fill it with heavy objects and get a good analogue of a hanging dumbbell. The most important thing is to select the weight according to your capabilities; you should do about 5 reps with it. If the load turns out to be light for you, add more.

Now about the approaches themselves... Here are the basic rules of this stage:

  1. Use only a combination of close and medium reverse grips.
  2. Avoid cheating in all its variations.
  3. Concentrate as much as possible on the work of the two-headed muscles, both physically and mentally.
  4. Don't strain yourself while hanging on the horizontal bar.
  5. While resting, do push-ups, this will significantly speed up the effect.

Healthy banks of Champions!

You can also use one more little trick: here, as at the initial stage of preparation, the help of a sparring partner will be greatly useful. He helps you in the positive phase of the exercise (going up), and you work out the negative phase (going down) yourself, fighting for every millimeter of the trajectory. It will simply explode your muscles. But when using such striking techniques, you must clearly understand the importance of high-quality, complete recovery. Don’t even approach the bar until the pain in the target muscles goes away, and of course, eat well, focusing on proteins and carbohydrates, minimizing the intake of fats in the body...

By following all the above recommendations, pumping up your biceps will be much easier and faster. You will be able to admire the results after just six months of such training.

Also, all these exercises can be combined with dumbbells, parallel bars, jump rope, expander and other available equipment. Additional load will only improve and speed up the result. Perform the exercises with strength, but do not overdo it.