6 lives a day - a lot or a little?

6 lives a day - a lot or a little?

Every day in Ukraine, 6 women die from cervical cancer. Is it a lot or a little? On the scale of a multimillion-dollar country, it doesn’t seem like too much, but let’s think about the fact that these are someone’s mothers, sisters, daughters...

Gynecologist Tatyana Alekseevna Popova comments:

“I want to tell you a few stories from patients to illustrate the tragedy of the situation and the carelessness of many women about their health.

Victoria, 42 years old, a successful lawyer, is raising her daughter alone. Because of work, I didn’t see a doctor for a long time. When bleeding appeared, I contacted her, but it was too late. 8 months later she was gone...

Yulia, 32 years old, after giving birth, decided to get pregnant again. During the examination, cervical cancer was discovered. Before pregnancy, I knew about dysplasia, but was not treated. It's good that the cancer was discovered on time. But because of the operation, her daughter will have no brothers and sisters...

These stories show how important it is to be examined regularly and not to neglect doctors’ recommendations.

Often it all starts with cervical erosion. Many people think that this will go away on its own or can be cured with suppositories. But erosion is not a wound that will heal. This is a tissue change that requires medical supervision.

Without treatment, erosion turns into dysplasia due to the papilloma virus. And dysplasia eventually becomes cancer. That's why timely diagnosis and treatment are so important.

Now there is a vaccine against the most dangerous papilloma viruses. It reduces the risk of developing cervical cancer by 75%. The vaccine can be given to girls before the onset of sexual activity, as well as women without significant changes in the cervix.

The main thing is to regularly visit a gynecologist, follow his recommendations and take care of your health. After all, life and health are our responsibility!”

Thus, the insidiousness of cervical diseases is that they do not manifest themselves for a long time. Therefore, prevention, regular examinations and timely treatment are so important. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!