What are sports fat burners made of?

Drying for a bodybuilder is the most important stage of preparation - without high-quality drawing of the muscles there is nothing to do on stage. What athletes use in pursuit of relief, from legal fat burners from sports nutrition stores to the complete underground.

I would like to consider modern fat-burning supplements, which are freely sold in every sports nutrition store, and what they consist of. In general, all known fat-burning complexes are created on the basis of various energy drinks, which encourage the athlete who takes them to do hard training, long-term training, which consumes a lot of calories and, as a result, the person loses weight. These miracle pills contain caffeine, and your performance largely depends on its dosage. In second place is ephedra, do not confuse it with the banned ephedrine, but ephedra also provides a lot of energy for training and also has direct lipotropic properties, which, unfortunately, caffeine does not have. In third place we have geranium, fat burners with geranium are now very popular all over the world, who would have thought that the 1,3 dimethylmitilamine component, which was first used in the famous Oxyelite Pro, would become so popular that some sports nutrition manufacturers even sell it separately as supplement. These are perhaps the top products, without which the fat burner is essentially a dummy.

After a set of components for energy, manufacturers add components to speed up metabolism, this is achieved with mild thyroid stimulants, such as l-tyrosine, a natural amino acid that is involved in the formation of the T3 hormone. Well, as you know, this hormone is the most powerful in fat burning, if you take synthetic T3, you can lose up to 10 kg in a month without problems, although you can pay for it by ruining the functioning of the thyroid gland, so there is absolutely no need to resort to this method.

You're probably wondering which fat burners work? Yes, here is a small list for you: Hell Fire, Black Mamba, Methyldrene 25 and many others. All of them contain sufficient dosages of components that will give you results in the shortest possible time.

Bodybuilders usually start taking such supplements 3 months before the competition, but their tasks are more serious than those of ordinary amateurs. An ordinary gym goer can achieve excellent results with just one can of fat burner, the main thing is proper training, nutrition and taking supplements strictly according to the instructions.

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