Who should not sunbathe in a solarium?

Tanning is not only a pleasant look, but also a way to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. At the same time, there are many conflicting opinions about how beneficial tanning is for the body. Some people decide to use a solarium to get a year-round tan. However, not everyone can use this service without harm to their health. Let's figure out who shouldn't sunbathe in a solarium.

People with chronic diseases

Before going to the solarium, you should consult your doctor and make sure that your health allows you to perform ultraviolet treatments. People suffering from chronic diseases such as heart or liver problems are not recommended to use solariums. Taking medications can increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to burns, allergies, or age spots.

People with numerous moles

If you have a lot of moles, then going to a solarium can cause a malignant tumor. But if you still decide to tan in a solarium, be sure to apply sunscreen and cover the moles with a cloth or seal them with a band-aid. In summer, hide moles from strong sun. If you notice that they are bleeding or increasing in size, contact a specialist.

People with fair skin

People with fair skin should not overuse solariums, as such skin may not tan, but may immediately burn. Such people need to reduce their tanning time and be sure to apply a thick layer of protective cream.

People with allergies

Human skin can react differently to ultraviolet radiation. Some people experience itchy skin and a rash. Allergies often occur in those who have problems with internal organs (liver, thyroid gland, kidneys). When the skin begins to itch, buy an effective ointment with lanolin and temporarily postpone going to the solarium.


Do not go to the solarium under any circumstances during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, after operations, or with diabetes. Also, you should not take ultraviolet baths after laser procedures and chemical peeling. After peeling, the protective layer of the skin is removed and you can quickly burn.

In conclusion, tanning in a solarium can be beneficial to your health, but only with the right approach and following the recommendations of your doctor and tanning specialists. Do not overuse the solarium and do not risk your health. If you have any doubts or health concerns, be sure to consult your doctor.