The healthiest spring juice has been named

Doctors have found that in the spring it is most beneficial to drink birch sap, since it contains an incredible amount of valuable microelements and other useful substances that will help cope with vitamin deficiency.

In addition to vitamin deficiency, birch sap is also useful for overcoming emotional depression, increasing immunity, reducing fatigue, and also for losing weight. In addition, drinking birch sap improves digestion and also helps with gastritis and ulcers.

With the help of birch sap, you can also improve the condition of the skin; to do this, you need to apply ice cubes from frozen birch sap to the skin, and also wipe your face with the juice - this will help get rid of acne and also give your face a healthy glow.

What you need to know about autumn juices?

It is best to consume the juice in its natural form, without additives - in this case, it retains all the necessary nutrients. It is not recommended to store fresh juice in the refrigerator for more than three days.

The best time to collect birch sap is from late March to early April. At this time, it is especially rich in the minerals calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, which are so necessary for our body, as well as other necessary and beneficial substances.
