Scientists call bath salts a drug

A recent study by scientists found that bath salts may have effects on the brain comparable to cocaine use. The reason for this is that the salt contains mephedrone, an active ingredient that was banned in the UK in 2010 and is a class B drug.

Mephedrone was discovered in 2007 and quickly became famous due to its availability. It has been widely distributed over the past five years as it can be easily obtained. Now scientists fear that mephedrone may enter the human body through bath salts.

The study was conducted on mice. Scientists have discovered that mephedrone acts on the brain in the same way as cocaine, causing addiction. Scientists used a method developed in the 1950s to study this phenomenon. Mice were implanted with brain-stimulating electrodes, and the scientists studied the effort required to spin a wheel before, during and after taking various doses of cocaine and mephedrone.

The results of behavioral studies showed that cocaine increases the ability of mice to self-stimulate, and mephedrone has a similar effect. Currently, the effect of this drug as part of bath salts has not yet been sufficiently studied, but we can already safely say that it has a negative effect on the body.

Therefore, scientists recommend that people be careful when using bath salts and not exceed the recommended dose. In addition, some scientists are calling for a ban on the sale of bath salts containing mephedrone.

Scientists have also found that the ideal heel for women should be 2.5 cm, which helps to avoid problems with the health of the legs and spine. However, this is a completely different story.