Controversial newfangled fitness trends - Cycle video training

More and more new sports innovations are rapidly bursting into our lives. Every day more effective and progressive technical solutions appear. “Iron sport” is no exception to this. The range of varieties of modern simulators is expanding day by day. New equipment and elements of athlete equipment appear. The shelves of online sports nutrition stores are replete with the widest abundance of variety. New training methods, programs, complexes and methodological techniques for working on your body are being introduced... But the question is: where will these innovations take us? But aren’t we taking two real steps back at the same time as this technological step forward?

Recently I had the opportunity to visit the famous fitness club “GYMNASTIKA”, well, the one on Vernadsky Avenue, not far from the metro... And I had a unique opportunity to take part in the so-called Cycle training. It is directly about my impressions from this training that I want to tell you now...

Cycle video training is a collective group lesson in a specially equipped room, on bicycle ergometers with a connected screen that simulates movement on the street. Moreover, with varying degrees of difficulty - there are steep slopes and long climbs and sharp descents - in general, everything is like in life, but only in the premises of a fitness club...

By the way, we have previously told you about similar video devices in training a cyclist - see the article here. But it’s scary to think that if once before this was a virtue of the elite, and only selected professional athletes, now, literally five to ten years later, this type of training has become available to everyone! And not even individually, but as a whole group! So far there are few such gyms, but I am sure that a couple more years will pass and soon such training will become available in any self-respecting fitness center... This is how sports innovations quickly and imperceptibly penetrate our lives... But let's return to cycle training...

But here's what I thought about: what about regular real training on a bicycle? Will these innovations really replace good old-fashioned riding of a real bike? Is this virtual reality in a closed, stuffy room really better and more effective than real country cycling with your friends? With fresh air, the smell of flowers, the chirping of birds, and the bright summer sun, eh?

Undoubtedly, such complexes are needed! At least for people living in megacities, such as New York, San Francisco or Moscow, where to get to the countryside you have to kill several hours, or even a day, driving in traffic jams... In such conditions, video training is a real way out...

But still... These are the thoughts that came to my mind... Perhaps a few more years will pass and such Cycle halls will be equipped with a “surround sound” system, and the trills of any birds will be loaded there... They will put solarium panels around the perimeter of the room, warming the body almost as well as sun... Perhaps during the training they will even begin to spray aromas that imitate the smell of flowers... I won’t even stutter about air conditioners... Well, we’ll put some stereo glasses on our heads, and while pedaling hard, we’ll see the picture on the projector screen in three-dimensional form... Almost like the real thing...

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