Benefits of celery: properties for beauty and health

Celery is widely used in cooking as a spice for meat and fish dishes. It also makes amazing soups, salads and sauces. We have put together a selection of the most original celery dishes!

Celery is a completely edible vegetable. All its parts can be eaten: root, stems, petioles, leaves. Celery has a spicy aroma and a slight nutty flavor; it is widely used in cooking and pharmacology.

Health benefits of celery:

  1. has antiallergic, laxative, antiseptic and toning properties;
  2. Thanks to the content of vitamin C, it restores blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure;
  3. iron, magnesium and calcium in the composition improve the immune system;
  4. celery increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and has an anti-edema effect;
  5. improves memory, protects against senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease);
  6. has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces the content of the “stress hormone”;
  7. treats metabolic disorders;
  8. luteolin in celery has a maximum anti-inflammatory effect and promotes rejuvenation of the body;
  9. celery contains phthalides and polyacetylenes - substances that can neutralize carcinogens;
  10. celery root is a strong aphrodisiac, used to increase potency (by the way, it has a stimulating effect not only on men);
  11. celery helps women with painful menstruation and menopause.

Celery for weight loss

Celery is one of the superfoods for weight loss. It contains only 16 kcal per 100 g, and most importantly, when digesting it, energy is spent several times more than it is acquired. Celery also contains dietary fiber, so you can eat as much of it as your heart desires. There are many diets and fasting days based on this plant.

Useful properties for beauty:

  1. it helps get rid of waste and toxins, thereby maintaining good skin condition;
  2. improves the appearance of teeth and nails;
  3. celery is an antioxidant, it fights free radicals and slows down the aging of the body;
  4. I actively use celery juice in cosmetology as an anti-inflammatory and anti-acne agent.

Beauty Recipes:

  1. Purifying mask for oily skin.
  2. Rejuvenating mask.
  3. Nourishing mask for dry skin.
  4. Toning cosmetic ice.
  5. Scrub for tired skin.

Contraindications to consuming celery: ulcers, gastritis, increased stomach acidity, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, pregnancy and lactation.

Interesting facts about celery:

  1. Two thin stalks of celery contain 15% of the daily dose of vitamins A and C. And two tablespoons of the plant contain more than 150% of the daily dose of vitamins, which is recommended for consumption.

  2. Celery is a savior for women who smoke. It helps eliminate toxins and also neutralizes carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke. If you smoke, celery is a must for you.

  3. Celery contains valuable flavonoids, which are needed for the prevention of cancer. Celery is one of the most effective foods for maintaining the health of cancer patients.