Happy spouses become similar in appearance

Each person is unique and has his own unique appearance, which reflects his individuality and uniqueness. However, as American psychologists found out in the course of their research, when two people spend a lot of time together, they begin to become similar to each other.

Researchers studied more than 1,000 couples married for 25 years and compared photographs of husbands and wives at the beginning of their married life and a quarter century later. Their results showed that the happier the couple was, the more similar the spouses were to each other in appearance. This applies not only to manners, gestures and facial expressions, but often the voices, height and eye color of loving people also become identical.

Why is this happening? Psychologists explain that when people spend time together, they begin to imitate each other in certain small ways, such as mannerisms, gestures and tone of voice. This happens subconsciously, and when two people are married, they are faced with a lot of situations where they have to find compromises and make decisions together. This causes them to act and look more similar to each other.

In addition, psychologists note that strong alliances and similarity are observed in those people who have similar genotypes. Thus, their appearance changes the same over the years, which explains the identity of facial wrinkles or the change in the timbre of the voices of husbands and wives.

These results show how much intimacy and compatibility in a relationship can influence a person's appearance. And although each person remains unique, happy spouses may become more similar in appearance, which can indicate how deeply and closely connected their relationship is.