Fitness exercises to increase libido

Decreased libido can be a serious problem for many women and can negatively impact their physical and emotional health. However, there is a solution to this problem - regular fitness training, which will help increase libido levels and strengthen the muscles in the pelvic and abdominal areas.

The first exercise, which can be performed anywhere, is squeezing the muscles of the buttocks and perineum for 5 seconds, then relaxing. It is necessary to repeat 20-30 times. The second exercise will help increase the mobility of the spine and stretch the muscles of the waist and back. To do this, you need to take a cat pose, arch your back and stay in this position for 15-20 seconds, then return to the starting position and arch your back in the opposite direction. Repeat 8-10 times.

The third exercise is to lie on your stomach, you need to clasp your legs and pull them towards you, while bending your torso and throwing your head back. The fourth exercise - standing against a wall, you need to squeeze your buttocks and pull in your stomach so that your pelvis comes off the wall. Stand in this position for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position.

However, in addition to these exercises, it is also worth engaging in regular fitness to strengthen the muscles and improve blood circulation in the pelvic and abdominal areas. This will help increase your libido levels and get more pleasure from your intimate life.

It is important to remember that all exercise is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Also, before starting classes, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Regular exercise will help you increase your self-confidence and feel more relaxed and open, which can have a positive impact on your intimate life. It is important to love and take care of your body so that it can please us for many years.

The modern rhythm of life, everyday worries and daily bustle can lead to a decrease in libido. At the same time, in the absence of actions to improve this aspect, the situation can only get worse. Low sex drive can create difficulties in family life, so it's important to take care of your libido. In this article we will look at several fitness exercises that will help increase libido and improve the quality of your sex life.

Exercises for the muscles of the pelvis and perineum

Every morning you should start with exercises, always doing exercises for the muscles of the pelvis and perineum. Improving blood circulation and strengthening the muscles in this area contribute to increased production of the corresponding hormones, which in turn stimulates the functioning of the internal genital organs and increases sexual desire.

One of the effective exercises for women in the postpartum period also helps to enhance the sensation of orgasm. To perform it, it is convenient to sit down and tense the muscles of the perineum and buttocks as much as possible, and then relax them. Hold in a tense state for at least 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

Exercises for flexibility and mobility of the spine

Spinal mobility and flexibility are also important to increase libido. The “Cat Pose” exercise will help with the first question. To perform it, you need to get on all fours, bend your back as much as possible and freeze for 15 seconds. Then inhale deeply, exhale, take a normal position, arch your back and also hold for 15 seconds. Repeat the element 4 to 6 times.

To achieve flexibility, you can perform the “Boat” exercise. Lie on your stomach, bring your legs together and grab your ankles with your hands. Throwing your head back, bend over as far as possible, freeze for a couple of seconds and begin to slowly sway back and forth.

Dancing and other physical activities

Dancing classes are also useful for increasing libido. Dances aimed at working the muscles of the perineum and pelvis, such as salsa, belly dancing, Zumba or Indian dancing, are best suited for this purpose. You can also try hula hooping or doing yoga while naked to add a mental element to your physical activity.

However, it is worth remembering that in case of hypertension, increasing libido must be done very carefully, preferably after prior consultation with your doctor. Pregnant women should also refrain from exercise aimed at increasing libido.

In conclusion, there is nothing you need to do if you want to keep your sex life in perfect order. But if you care about your health and want to enjoy a fulfilling sex life, you should add the fitness exercises we described above to your exercise regimen. Regular exercise will help strengthen muscles, increase flexibility of the spine and improve blood circulation in the pelvis and perineum, which in turn will lead to improved libido and quality of sexual life.