How to cleanse your kidneys at home

The kidneys, like the liver, are the filter of our body. They remove fluid, cleanse harmful substances and maintain balance. Improper kidney function can cause blurred vision, chronic fatigue and increased body temperature. To avoid serious problems in the future, the kidneys need regular therapy, which is easy to do at home. Read about the best ways in our material.

Most often, the kidneys suffer due to our own lifestyle: poor diet, low-quality products, tap water from which we prepare tea and food, smoking and alcohol, especially beer in large quantities, medications, stress and overload - all this leads to the formation of kidney stones.

Cleansing the kidneys helps improve the acid-base balance, removes stones and sand, as well as accumulated mucus and excess fluid.

Before carrying out cleansing, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor and do an ultrasound to check for the presence of stones. If their size is 1 mm or more, kidney cleansing should be abandoned. Otherwise, the ducts may become clogged, which can lead to surgical intervention.

Please note that when cleansing the kidneys, pain during urination and aching pain in the lumbar region may occur. This is normal - you are on the right track, the sand is coming out, toxins are being eliminated, and the kidneys are actively working. To soothe the pain, take a bath.

Choose one or more methods of cleansing for yourself: it can be fruits and berries, juices, decoctions - you can choose any option to your taste, but it must be combined with proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition for kidney cleansing

  1. During the cleansing period, do one fasting day - drink only water.

  2. Eat more vegetables, fruits and non-cooked foods.

  3. Drink as much water, compotes, freshly squeezed juices, green tea as possible.

  4. Eat small meals. In this case, the food will be digested completely, without forming waste or clogging the kidneys. For the same reason, you should not eat at night.

Prohibited foods for kidney cleansing:

  1. hot spices and seasonings, including horseradish and mustard;

  2. rich broths;

  3. strong coffee and alcohol;

  4. chocolate and baked goods;

  5. smoked meats, pickles, canned food and cheeses;

  6. fatty fish and meats;

Recommended products for kidney cleansing:

  1. bran bread without salt, unsalted cookies;

  2. vegetable soups, vegetarian borscht, soups with cereals and pasta;

  3. lean meat and fish, steamed cutlets and meatballs, boiled and stewed vegetables, cereals and cereals, pasta, eggs (no more than two yolks per day);

  4. kefir, milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, unsalted butter, as well as vegetable oils;

  5. decoction of wheat bran with honey and lemon, birch sap, green tea, rosehip decoction, dried fruit compote, fruit and berry juices, jelly and jelly, watermelons and melons.

Kidney cleansing should be done 2 times a year for 2 weeks to a month.

Cleanse your kidneys with the watermelon diet

The best time is August-September, when watermelons grown without various additives appear. Eat watermelons and rye bread throughout the week. At this time, weakness and cloudiness of the urine should appear, which indicates a good result. If these symptoms are absent, extend the diet for another week. During the diet, do not throw away the watermelon rinds, but chop and dry them in the oven. You can brew diuretic tea from them in winter and spring, when fresh watermelons are not available.

Cucumber Diet

Eat fresh cucumbers and boiled young potatoes in their jackets for 1-2 weeks. Important: no salt!

Berry attack

Over the course of a month, make a supplement to your diet - a large st.