Interesting photo project: After and before jogging

An unusual photo series “After and Before Jogging” has appeared on the Internet, which curiously “exposes” the difference between the natural and social “portrait” of a person.

The author of the unusual photoset is photographer Sacha Goldberger. A French photographer, walking in a Parisian park, asked runners to pose for him. Of course, people while jogging were reluctant to agree, citing their “out of breath” appearance or lack of time. However, there were trouble-free ones.

Those who agreed were invited by the photographer to visit his studio later. Thus, a week later, Sasha Goldberger photographed the runners in their regular work clothes in the photo studio locations.

The result is a comparative photo series “After and before jogging”, which interestingly identifies a person from the point of view of the prevalence of either a natural or social component.