Microsoft has created a smart bra

Microsoft recently amazed the world with its new invention - a smart bra equipped with sensors and capable of synchronizing with the owner’s smartphone. This bra can be a real lifesaver for women who want to monitor their health and avoid stressful situations that can affect their behavior and eating habits.

The design of the smart bra is very interesting. It runs on a built-in battery that lasts for 4 hours. The bra has sensors that read the wearer's electrocardiogram, heart rate and breathing rate, and skin conductivity. The bra also has a built-in accelerometer and horoscope. All this data is transferred to a special EmoTree application based on Windows Phone, which serves as a psychologist and nutritionist.

EmoTree can warn the wearer of the bra about upcoming stressful situations and fatigue. This will help her prevent negative consequences such as overeating and weight gain. After all, as you know, many women like to eat stress with fatty and sweet foods. The EmoTree app will suggest ways for the bra wearer to relax and manage stress, such as resting or taking a few deep breaths.

Microsoft's new smart bra could be a real breakthrough in women's health. Its sensors will help the owner control her emotional and physical health, and the EmoTree application will help her maintain a healthy lifestyle. By the way, the idea of ​​smart underwear has already been implemented. Previously, Ogilve yOne Athens created a bra that tweets every time it is unclasped. This should remind a woman of the need to take care of her breasts and regularly visit a mammologist.

Thus, the smart bra from Microsoft is an innovative solution that will help women monitor their health and avoid stressful situations that can affect their behavior and eating habits. This is another example of how modern technology can improve our lives and help us be healthy and happy.