Pilates is stylish, beautiful and healthy!

“In ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty you will see the difference, and in thirty you will have a completely new body.” Joseph H. Pilates

Since Madonna herself publicly declared that Pilates is the only acceptable form of exercise, this workout has become perhaps the most popular in the West. And this is not a tribute to fashion.

Pilates is the safest, non-impact exercise program that stretches and strengthens major muscle groups without neglecting small, weak muscles. And not only do these exercises meet the requirements of any body, they give the body an ideal shape, which is why actors, athletes and dancers have been fond of Pilates for more than 70 years.

It contains elements of yoga and meditation, and, by and large, the basis of this training is spiritual practice, one of its main tasks is to combat stress. “Always keep your consciousness under control and fully concentrate on the exercise you are performing,” taught the author of the system, Joseph Pilates, who knows how to properly tone muscles, giving them beautiful relief and an elongated shape. His exercises allow, with minimal load on the spine, to strengthen the muscular corset without building up muscles, develop flexibility and a sense of balance, and help give movements the grace and plasticity characteristic of professional dancers.

Typically, Pilates exercises are static and have a small range of motion. That is why they are actively used by people with limited physical capabilities. By the way, the Joseph Pilates system was originally intended for the rehabilitation of the wounded after the First World War.

The main difference between Pilates and other types of training is that the possibility of injuries and negative reactions is reduced to almost zero. It provides a large number of exercises for rehabilitation of pain syndromes in various parts of the spine.

As you know, 90% of people over 25 years of age regularly suffer from back pain, the causes of which can be very different. Most often, it is a banal osteochondrosis, which cannot be completely cured, but with the help of special movements, Pilates helps relieve pain. Since the entire set of exercises is built around the spine, this promotes its extension: using this program you can actually grow by 1-2 cm.

Pilates uses an unconventional breathing technique that promotes the development of the respiratory system; all exercises are necessarily compared with breathing, and they all smoothly move from one to another.

There are three types of Pilates training:

  1. Workout on the floor. These are sets of exercises that are performed on the floor, mostly sitting or lying down. Complexes can be aimed at achieving different goals, for example, relieving pain in different parts of the spine, or improving posture.

  2. Training with special equipment. Exercises are also performed on the floor, but using various equipment: Pilates Ring, dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, balls.

  3. Training on special simulators. The main difference between Pilates exercise machines and regular ones is that the support you are on while performing the exercise is not rigidly fixed. When performing a strength exercise, you have to exert extra effort to maintain balance on an unstable surface, and your body is forced to use a huge number of small muscles that are not used during normal training.

Pilates training is so safe that it is used for rehabilitation therapy after injury, it also helps improve control over the body, turning it into a single harmonious whole. That is why there are practically no contraindications for practicing Pilates; you can start practicing it at any age, in any physical form. And most importantly, the Pilates method is based on the ideal