
How to pump up your forearms?

How to pump up your forearms?

Many beginners ignore the muscles of the forearm - they say that they themselves get enough load in other exercises... And in vain! A strong grip is the key to ensuring that you will securely hold the apparatus in the desired position and not get an annoying sports injury that could have been avoided...

The stronger your grip, the more weight you can overcome in almost any exercise. So let's develop it.

How to pump up your hands?

How to pump up your hands?

Compressive and holding forces, as well as the strength of your wrists, form the power of your hand. We will tell you how to train all these forces, and with your persistence and patience, all your friends and colleagues will be afraid of your handshake...

How do arm wrestlers train?

How do arm wrestlers train?

In previous articles in this section, we studied how to train the muscles of the forearm. However, in addition to everything we discussed earlier, arm wrestlers also have additional techniques. These are exactly what we will look at in this short review...

Exercises for arm wrestling at home.

Exercises for arm wrestling at home.

If you have enough desire, you can quite realistically become a cool arm wrestler without even leaving your home. Want to know how? – this short note will reveal to you a number of useful secrets for training your forearms and hands at home...