Strengthened abdominal training in the gym for girls and women

So, our dear readers, we know how to pump up the press at home: we have sorted out all kinds of lifting of the body from a lying position and twisting, one might say, in full. We also know how to train the abdominal muscles on the sports ground in the street or gym: leg lifts from a hanging position on the crossbar, corner bench or wall bars. What else can be added to this list? What specialized exercise equipment are available in the fitness center for the abdominal muscles? - let's figure it out.

Well, first of all, the “Roman Chair” is a classic, a machine that must be in any gym. Joe Weider himself, the founder of the art of bodybuilding, the father of fitness and bodybuilding, in his famous book highlighted the Roman chair over other devices. So take a closer look at it.

Second, the press machine is a special bench simulator that can be turned to almost any angle, even vertical. We fix our legs in a special holder, select the desired angle - and off we go! According to the editor-in-chief of a popular women's Internet portal, this exercise machine is the best remedy for the hated fat folds that interfere with the life of almost every second woman.

A truly effective abdominal workout in the gym is unthinkable without a special device: “crossbar, press, parallel bars” - this is a very popular and effective machine. We stand in the simulator, rest our backs against it, and grab the handrails. In this case, the elbows are placed on softening pillows. We perform leg lifts at different angles to different heights. If it is difficult to lift straightened legs, bend them at the knees and lift them up bent. For those who do not have enough load, attach weights to their ankles.

In the next article in this section, we will continue to study the nuances of abdominal training in the gym, and consider some more popular devices for working out the abdominal muscles...

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