Seven best exercises for a beautiful bust

Many women dream of beautiful and toned breasts. But often bust imperfections are associated with weakening of the pectoral muscles. If the chest muscles do not receive exercise, the breasts will eventually lose shape and become less firm. Regular exercise can keep your breasts in shape and make them more attractive. In this article we will look at the seven best exercises for a beautiful bust.

  1. Archer

To perform this exercise, you need a rubber band or medical elastic bandage. Fold the elastic in half and take the ends in your left hand, and place the loop around the thumb of your right hand. Hold your right hand at shoulder level, and with your left, pull the elastic band like a bow string. After doing the exercise 10 times, change hands.

  1. Pull-pull

To perform this exercise you need an elastic band or expander. Take an elastic band or expander in your arms outstretched in front of you. Initial position: hands shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms to the sides, trying to open the “embrace” as much as possible. In the extreme position, hold your hands for 10-15 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

  1. Pock

Stand facing the back of a chair and lean your left hand on it. Stretch on your toes as high as possible, extend your right arm above your head and bend back, trying to move your arm as far as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 times for each arm.

  1. Parachutist

Sit on a chair, raise your outstretched arms with an expander above your head and spread them to the sides so that the elastic band is behind your head. It is advisable to raise your arms to shoulder level. Slowly bring your arms together in front of you. Do everything in reverse.

  1. Palms

Raise your arms above your head, place your palms together and bend your elbows slightly. Press your palms into each other as much as possible, relax and tighten again. The exercise can also be done in a position where your arms are bent at the elbows in front of you. The minimum number of repetitions is eight times.

  1. Lukovka

The starting position is similar to the “Palms” exercise, only the palms do not touch each other with the entire surface, but only with the fingers, as if forming an onion. Lean forward and backward, trying to bend as much as possible. Keep your arms tense.

  1. Takeoff

To perform this exercise, stand straight and raise your elbows to shoulder level. The forearms and hands should hang down freely. Raise and lower your elbows eight times. Then move your elbows and shoulders as far back as possible the same number of times.

It is important to know that no amount of exercise can increase breast size, since breast size is determined genetically. However, regular exercise can help improve the shape and firmness of your breasts. Additionally, for best results, it is recommended that you exercise while wearing a bra, which will provide additional support to your breasts and help prevent them from slipping during exercise.

In conclusion, regular chest exercises can make your breasts look more perky and attractive. Remember that to achieve the best results, you need to exercise regularly and combine it with proper nutrition and lifestyle.