Women's homeopathy

Women's diseases are easy to neglect, which is what many of us do, refusing operations, trying to replace “chemistry” with herbs. We will not repeat how dangerous it is to be treated using grandmother’s methods or not to be treated at all. Let's talk about what many women have high hopes for - homeopathy. Is it possible to treat women's diseases with its help? What cripples is what is cured

Homeopathy was recognized in Russia back in 1833, but official medicine ignored it for a long time - because it did not understand how it “works”. It is now known: homeopathic remedies are powerful immunocorrectors that act on the body as a whole, but are represented only by natural substances. They are made from plants, minerals and animal body parts (including poisonous ones) according to a special principle developed by the father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, which at first glance seems like pure magic.

The same substance can both heal and cripple - it all depends on the dose. In homeopathy, products are diluted (this is called potentiation): sometimes a medicine in 3 potency, that is, less diluted, has a weaker effect than in 30 - it contains less substance, but more strength. Therefore, in homeopathic pharmacies without a prescription they sell drugs only up to the 30th potency, although there are also 100th and 1000th...

The main principle of homeopathy is that like cures like. For example, the consequences of a bee sting, which causes burning and swelling, are treated by homeopaths with apis - a preparation made from... bee venom. Onions cause lacrimation, burning, and nasal congestion—they also treat similar symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

In total, about 2000 homeopathic medicines are registered. Interestingly, among them there are so-called “male” and “female” ones. However, women with a masculine type of behavior (smoking, drinking, loving spicy food, staying up late, trying to be bosses) can be prescribed traditionally “masculine” remedies, while gentle, feminine men can be prescribed, respectively, “feminine”.

Our tips:

  1. It is better not to touch homeopathic remedies with your hands. They can be taken with a plastic spoon, paper or lid.

  2. The kitchen is not the best place for homeopathy. Preparations cannot be stored next to food, in the refrigerator, or poured into other containers - otherwise the properties will be lost. They should not lie in the light, get wet or remain open.

  3. Before taking any homeopathy, the mouth must be completely cleared of food debris. But do not brush your teeth, because the paste interferes with absorption. Take homeopathic remedies no later than 30 minutes before meals or at least an hour after.

  4. During treatment, give up coffee, red wine, spices and completely eliminate anything that contains mint - it inhibits the effect of homeopathic medicines.

First aid kit

Here are some homeopathic complexes with which you can get rid of many female troubles associated with menstruation or menopause:

  1. feminalgin - helps with menstrual pain, soothes, reduces excitability during PMS;

  2. mastodinone - used in the complex treatment of PMS, mastopathy, menstrual irregularities;

  3. remens - used for the treatment of menopausal syndrome, adnexitis, PMS;

  4. menopause, klimadinone - help get rid of irritability, hot flashes, headaches, sleep problems during menopause;

  5. traumeel - used in the treatment of inflammation of the genital organs, cracked nipples, mastitis, etc.;

  6. agnukaston - helps with menstrual irregularities, PMS.

Can a homeopath even handle infertility?

Almost all women's diseases are treated with homeopathy. Functional disorders, menopausal syndrome, PMS, ovarian dysfunction, and various pains - caused by inflammation or endometriosis - respond very well.

There is, for example, such a disease as crourosis of the vulva: this is a precancerous disease, and ordinary doctors can either observe it or use methods such as laser therapy, but there is no complete relief