How to pump up abs?

A well-developed, sculpted press is a kind of sign of the quality of a modern athletic figure, athletic and sexy.

How to pump up abs?

The fashion for a healthy body has come for a long time and in earnest, and therefore every self-respecting person should know how to pump up six-pack abs. We will now study the nuances of this issue...

First, look at yourself impartially. If you have fat deposits on your waist, it will be more difficult to achieve what you want. The fact is that the energy intensity of exercises on the abdominal muscles is small, and it is basically impossible to burn excess fat only with them. A combination of diet, gym exercises and aerobic exercise is your way. Only a coordinated, comprehensive movement simultaneously in these three directions will lead you to your cherished dream...

If you are naturally slim, then... But nothing actually changes, everything will be the same, the same three directions, except that it will take much less time...

How to pump up abs?

What exercises will help pump up your abs? The most popular are sit-up sit-ups. Often you see people who, while performing them, tend to hit the back of their head on the floor. Do not imitate them, such execution only leads to overstrain of the lower back. The abdominal muscles are the only ones in our body that do not require full amplitude to work. Deflect a maximum of 80 degrees. The secret of the exercise lies in continuous tension from beginning to end, in performing the movement only with the strength of the abdominal muscles, slowly, without inertia and other elements of cheating.

Raising your knees on the bar is also an effective exercise. A leisurely pace will allow you to avoid swaying your body; try to raise your knees up to failure. Alternatively, try leg raises while sitting on the edge of a bench. At the moment you touch your legs and stomach, stop for a second and start a new iteration...

Bending the torso on a pulley press.

Block exercise machines provide a technical opportunity for another way to pump up abs. Grab the handle of the machine with both hands at the back of your head and lean forward slightly using your body weight. And from this position, bend to the floor only with the efforts of your stomach. Don’t chase speed, try to constantly keep your body tense. In addition to the abdominal muscles, this movement also develops the oblique muscles of the torso well. After all, we also need to pump them up in order to achieve a harmonious look for our torso...

For beginners, any two exercises of your choice will be enough for 2 sets of 30 repetitions. The goal is to get involved in the training, hone your technique and coordination of movements. How long it will take is up to you to decide, you can’t say for sure. When you feel that you are capable of more, introduce another exercise into your workout and increase the number of approaches to 3. Do not forget about the principle of variability, do not make one workout similar to another. Moreover, don’t do them every day, your body won’t have time to recover. And this is a direct road to overtraining, microtrauma and loss of urge to exercise.