Dependence on weather. How to avoid becoming a walking weather station?

According to research, about 35% of the world's population has the gift of weather lability (sensitivity to weather changes). Although it is difficult to call it a gift, since, firstly, every third inhabitant of the planet has sensitivity to movements within the mercury column, and secondly, because of their receptive nature, people suffer - literally get sick due to weather vagaries.

Who does the “gift” choose?

Weather sensitivity directly depends on the state of our health - attacks plague those whose immunity is weakened by illness, who are overweight, are pregnant or have suffered a head injury in the recent past. In addition, gloomy, aggressive people suffer from changes in the atmosphere. So smile more often!

According to one of the other versions, weather lability is inherited from parents prone to the same misfortune.

How is “slack” given out?

The main symptom of increased weather sensitivity is headache and migraine. However, there are other troubles that accompany this disease. Based on how the body reacts, a person can be diagnosed. So, if a “patient” feels unwell during any weather disaster (with an increase and decrease in air temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in humidity, strong winds or geomagnetic currents), he has a high probability of cardiac diseases.

Was he sick?

You probably have at least one relative or friend who always likes to complain about migraines or cramps. Sometimes these moans seem like a whim and a simulation. Doctors even proposed a special term - “meteoneurosis”. This is the “disease” when a person’s mood depends on the weather. The main sign of such a neurasthenic is an increased interest in all weather forecasts and everything related to climate. He watches all the reports on TV, installs a real barometer at home, and monitors the schedule of magnetic storms and lunar cycles. It is not surprising that such self-hypnosis leads to malaise.

Looking for salvation

Since weather dependence is not a disease, it is impossible to cure it. However, it can disappear on its own if you take serious care of your general health. Sports, walks in the fresh air, hardening, tourism - these are strong methods against weather sensitivity. Try to find a common language with nature, and perhaps it will stop bothering you with its whims.

In the meantime, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with a number of tips on how to behave on day X:

  1. If the weather forecast predicts a “critical” day, try to adjust your day: get a good night’s sleep if possible, do 15-minute exercises, take a contrast shower.

  2. Avoid any “overload”, mental and physical. Avoid cleaning, shopping, and take a nap for half an hour after lunch.

  3. Entrust the driving of the car to someone else or refuse to drive a car at all.

  4. If the atmospheric pressure is high, and the temperature and humidity levels, on the contrary, are low, ventilate the room more often and avoid drafts.

  5. Don't overeat on this day. Have a fasting day, giving preference to dairy products and vegetables.

  6. Before meals, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, mineral water or plain boiled water with lemon juice.

  7. Glycine, vitamin C or ascorbic acid, propolis (if you are not allergic to it) will help you feel better.