Who is mammoplasty recommended?

According to statistics, every second Ukrainian woman dreams of enlarging her breasts or correcting their shape. Most women just theorize about this and will never go under the surgeon’s knife. But knowing what mammoplasty is and what nuances exist is, in any case, useful.

As for indications, breast correction is recommended primarily for women who have given birth. With the help of the procedure, you can restore the shape and elasticity of an attractive part of the body. For young ladies who have not yet had offspring, it is better not to touch their breasts, since after childbirth completely unpredictable deformations are possible and, one way or another, they will have to be re-adjusted.

If you are not planning to give birth yet, and the desire to improve yourself can’t get out of your head, there are no contraindications. The implant does not come into contact with the mammary gland, so you can both give birth and feed the baby with silicone breasts.

The most modern way of breast augmentation is prosthetics. The prosthesis is placed between the mammary gland and the muscle through small incisions.

Postoperative rehabilitation lasts 6 months. But you will need to be observed by a doctor for another 10 years - even with a successful operation, no one is immune from complications.

Thus, mammoplasty is primarily recommended for women who have given birth to children and want to restore the shape of their breasts. Nulliparous women can also have surgery, but with the awareness of the risk of repeated adjustments after pregnancy. The main thing is to discuss everything carefully with your doctor and understand the possible consequences.