In this article, our dear readers, I will tell you what a dumbbell row is? And why is it needed in the gym and fitness center? What are they? Their varieties and nuances of use in physical training... Well, what? Ready? Then buckle up and let's fly...
What is hidden under this unusual name for the common man: dumbbell row? - in fact, this is a set of dumbbells of the same type of different weights, mounted on a special rack, chassis or holder. The number of pairs can vary from five to... almost infinity. The most important indicators of such an installation are:
- minimum weight (weight of the lightest pair),
- maximum weight (weight of the heaviest pair),
- and the so-called step - the difference in weight between adjacent pairs in a row.
For example, if you are told that this dumbbell row is: 10-50-10, then this means the following:
- Weight of the lightest dumbbells in the row: 10 kg.
- Accordingly, the heaviest: 50 kg.
- Difference between neighboring pairs: 10 kg.
That is, the mass of dumbbells in this example goes in ascending order in kilograms: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. And in fact, there are only 5 pairs of dumbbells in this row.
In this case, it is believed that the smaller the step, the richer the whole complex - and any athlete will choose a piece of equipment to suit his taste, according to his level of preparedness.
In addition to these main indicators, there are also secondary, but no less significant:
- dimensions of handles and discs.
- disk shape (for example round or hexagonal)
- projectile material.
- disc coating material.
- disassembly/non-disassembly of shells.
- relief of the handles and its type.
- and other indicators.
It is for this reason that the name of this sports kit often contains additional words:
- hexagonal,
- rubberized,
- collapsible,
- chromium-plated,
- hexagonal,
- and others.
Also, of course, it is worth mentioning the variations of shells based on gender and age:
- children's,
- for women (fitness dumbbells),
- for bodybuilders.
The thing is that in a serious club and any self-respecting gym there are usually a lot of visitors, and they all train in parallel. At home you can throw weights back and forth on your dumbbells. Here people work continuously, and they have no time for unnecessary movements. They want to immediately take the required weight of the projectile and swing it. In general, all this is done for the convenience of visitors and to increase the effectiveness of their training...
Of course, theoretically it is quite possible for a situation where two athletes want to take this particular pair at once, but it is completely solvable:
- Due to the small step of the row, someone can take another heavier pair or vice versa - lighter. If the step is 2.5 - 5 kg in many exercises, such a difference is not noticeable.
- If you really really want a couple that is currently busy, it is quite reasonable to wait a little until it is free, performing some other exercise.
In any case, this design is very convenient and makes life easier for visitors to the establishment. I think that today there is not a gym or fitness club that does not have at least a minimum row of dumbbells. If you know one, write in the comments, we will shame you until they buy it. I guess I’ll end this article with this joke. Mercy for your attention!
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