The whole truth about tears

Has anyone ever wondered why people cry? There is a lot of pain, resentment, grief, joy and happiness in our lives. All of these feelings can cause tears. There are many reasons to wash your soul with tears, they can be both physiological and emotional. The ability to cry is one of the ways to express your feelings.

Oddly enough, we are not born with this ability. Screaming is not always accompanied by tears. Babies begin to cry only 5-12 weeks after birth, a little earlier than the time when they begin to laugh. The average duration of crying is 6 minutes. Children cry more often than adults, about 65 times a month.

Every day, the small lacrimal glands secrete about 1 ml of salty fluid. Each teardrop has a very complex structure. It consists of mucus covered with a layer of water, a layer of oily substance consisting of lipids and other fats. Tears contain table salt, potassium chloride and substances that take part in the process of salt formation. There is another special substance in the composition of tears - lysozyme, its presence explains the bactericidal properties of tears.

In addition to its protective function, tears supply the cornea with nutrients, and in parallel, gas exchange takes place between air and the cornea, which improves vision, because tears fill the smallest defects in the surface of the cornea.

What types of tears are there?

  1. Reflex;
  2. Tears of irritation (when inhaling something, such as the smell of onions);
  3. Emotional (after watching films, reading books).

They differ in their composition. Emotional tears contain more protein, so after such tears it becomes easier and psychological release occurs.

What do tears do? They relieve stress, after which a person can relax. They normalize blood pressure, increase immunity and even promote the healing of injuries. There is another benefit: it is thanks to tears that the skin around the eyes remains young for a long time. It turns out that crying is very useful...