What are the benefits of chewing gum?

In fact, chewing gum does not spoil the stomach, but helps it. It promotes salivation, which increases our digestive activity, allowing us to digest everything we eat faster and easier. It’s just important not to overdo it with the chewing time, otherwise, having processed all the food, the stomach will begin to digest itself.

Another plus of chewing gum is strengthening the mandibular joint and gums. Due to the fact that most food does not require active chewing, our mandibular joint is not sufficiently trained and developed. To keep the oral cavity in working tone, dentists advise using chewing gum after meals: starting from 3-5 minutes of active chewing and gradually increasing the interval.

Of course, this advice only applies if there is no inflammation or damage to the lower jaw joint. Don't forget that chewing gum freshens your breath. Perhaps the action time will not be as long as the advertisement promises, but it is still better than the smell of just eaten food.

Chewing gum also promotes concentration. During the Korean War, American troops were specially supplied with tasty chewing gum so that soldiers could concentrate on their tasks as much as possible.

Thus, chewing gum in moderation after meals is beneficial for digestion, breathing and concentration. However, it is important to observe moderation and not overuse chewing gum in order to avoid negative consequences.