Workout with Jillian Michaels: slim figure in 30 days

Many girls are looking for workout options for home workouts, because not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym. One of the most popular home workouts is the Jillian Michaels exercise routine. How to practice it - read in our material.

The complex from Jillian Michaels is a ready-made workout for home fitness. So, if you want to tighten your figure, lose weight, or just take care of yourself, in the complex you will find load options for each muscle group. The workout is designed for beginners in fitness and will be rather weak for those who have been practicing for several years. It is for this reason that the training duration is only 30 minutes.

Gillian offers two options for performing exercises: easy and difficult. The duration of the course is 30 days. It is during this period that the trainer promises visible changes in your body. If you enjoy the workout, you can take the easy version of the exercises and then move on to the more difficult version.

The training is not built according to the classical scheme, when the muscles are first warmed up with cardio, then a strength part is carried out, which works each muscle group in turn. Gillian combines the load to reduce the percentage of body fat as quickly as possible. For example, lunges can be combined with a biceps exercise, and cardio can be combined with an abdominal workout.

You need to do the program every day for a month. If you have a very busy schedule, you can switch to a training regimen - every other day.

In addition to regular workouts, Jillian Michaels also advises adhering to a balanced diet, which is based on the principle of calculating the percentage of fat in certain foods. In general, the Michaels diet is designed for people who do not need to lose more than 10 kilograms, so the number of daily calories will not decrease much.

If you want to lose weight and get your body in order, eliminate fast food, baked goods, white rice, margarine, white flour, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, carbonated drinks and packaged juices from your diet completely (or at least for 30 days). The following products should be limited: sour cream, sausages, cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, full-fat milk, pickles and sauerkraut. But you can eat meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, cheeses, olive oil, vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and seeds without a twinge of conscience.

For breakfast, eat eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal, let lunch consist of meat and vegetables, an afternoon snack of fruits and dairy products, and in the evening give preference to fish or seafood (or a meat dish).

Jillian Michaels herself began playing sports from her youth. The motivation was that the girl was overweight, which she wanted to get rid of. After Jillian achieved her goal, she developed a desire to help others become better people. It is for this reason that she dedicated her life to sports.

At the same time, Michaels’ goal is not just to get people to exercise, but to teach them to enjoy the process. In general, her workouts are structured in such a way that you don’t notice that you are doing quite difficult work, since Gillian knows how to teach fitness easily and unobtrusively.