The Six Best Exercises for Your Thighs

Beautiful and toned thighs are the dream of many women. However, to achieve the desired result, you need to choose the right set of exercises. In this article we will look at the six most effective exercises that will help remove excess fat and tighten your thighs.

It is important to note that to reduce thigh volume, you must avoid exercises on your toes, squats and muscle tension. Instead, you should pay attention to exercises aimed at stretching muscles and increasing blood circulation.

  1. "Bike"

The “Bicycle” exercise is one of the most effective for reducing thigh volume. To perform it, you need to lie on your back and begin moving your legs, reminiscent of riding a bicycle. “Pedal” is relaxed, but at a fast pace. Start with 40 movements, gradually increasing to 150 times.

  1. Crossing legs

Another effective thigh exercise is crossing your legs. Lie on your back, raise your legs at a right angle, bending your knees slightly. With a slight movement of the hip joints, pin the left leg over the right, and then the right leg over the left. Perform the exercise relaxed 150 times.

  1. Swing your leg

The Leg Swing exercise helps pump up your inner thighs. Standing with your left side to the back of the chair, grab it with your left hand. Then perform a strong swing with your right leg forward, up, and to the left. Place the toe of your right foot on the seat of a chair. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Then move the chair and swing with the other leg.

  1. Leg transfer

For the Leg Shift exercise, sit on the floor, bend your knees and bring your feet as close to your hips as possible. Place your palms on the floor behind you. In this position, slowly move your knees left and right, trying to touch the floor. Repeat 10-20 times.

  1. "Walking" on the buttocks

Exercise "Walking" on the buttocks helps strengthen the muscles of the thighs and is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. Sit on the carpet, straighten your knees, stretch your arms forward, keep your shoulder blades together, and raise your head. In this position, move forward by extending your right arm and right leg with a hip movement, then follow with a movement with your left leg and left arm. Thus, move forward 2-3 meters, gradually increasing the distance.

  1. "Cradle"

The Cradle exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the thighs and abdomen. Sit on the floor, place your palms near your thighs. Tightening your abdominal muscles, roll over onto your back without changing the position of your legs, which are at right angles to your body. Then return to the starting sitting position. Perform 15-20 times.

In addition to these exercises, it is important to consider your diet and pay attention to general physical activity. Try to eat more protein foods, fruits and vegetables, and reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats in your diet. Regular sports and moderate physical activity will also help strengthen your thigh muscles and create a beautiful and toned figure.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that to achieve the desired result you need patience and regularity. Gradually increase the number of repetitions of each exercise and do not forget about regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.