Plank: a miracle exercise for losing weight in 2 minutes a day

Do you want to lose weight, tighten your skin and strengthen muscle tone, but have not yet decided how exactly you will achieve all your goals? The plank exercise will help you, performing which will help you solve all your tasks in just 2 minutes a day.

Fitness Trend: Body Ballet
Recently, the plank exercise has been very popular because it allows those who have very little time to lose weight and strengthen muscles.
The essence of the exercise is to stand in a static position for 2-3 minutes, leaning only on your arms and toes. At first glance, nothing complicated. However, only for the first one. In fact, maintaining a position is difficult, but the results are impressive.

To perform the classic plank you will need a mat on the floor and some free time. Lie face down on the floor, take a deep breath and exhale. At the exit, bend your elbows 90 degrees and take a “lying down” position. Make sure your elbows are directly under your forearms.
During the plank exercise, rely only on your hands and toes. Legs are together. Do not spread your legs, this can cause injury to your knees.
Make sure your body is straight. To do this, pull your buttocks in, tighten your stomach, and don’t fall down with your belly. The buttocks and abdomen should be pulled in throughout the entire exercise. If you relax something, your lower back will automatically tense up, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
It is also very important that your legs are perfectly stretched and tense.
To start, perform the plank exercise for 10 seconds. Add 5 seconds every day until you reach the 2 minute mark. Don't rush, you can only reach the maximum time gradually. When performing the plank, it is not the time that is important, but the correctness of the exercise.

The side plank allows you to better work the abdominal muscles; in this position, the stomach will take a more active part in maintaining balance.
Lie on your left side, take a deep breath and exhale. As you exhale, place your left elbow directly under your shoulder, place your right hand on your right thigh, keep your legs straight. Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles all the way, then slowly lift your pelvis off the floor. Make sure your abs, buttocks and legs are tense, this will protect your lower back from unnecessary tension.
Do the exercise for 30 seconds. If it is difficult for you to stand all the time without rest, do several approaches.

The main mistake when doing the plank may be relaxing your stomach, buttocks or legs. All this leads to lower back tension. And excessive tension in the lower back leads to injury.
Therefore, while doing the plank, always make sure that your stomach, buttocks and legs are tense. Also make sure that your legs are perfectly straight. To do this, pull your heels back, as if stretching your body.
The weight should be evenly distributed. Many people try to shift their weight only to their elbows. You shouldn't do that.