Nutrition during exercise in the gym for women for weight loss.

Exercise machines are a good tool for losing weight. In order to achieve the desired goal, nutritionists recommend following the following rules:

  1. stick to fractional meals, that is, eat food 5-6 times a day. Alternate full meals with snacks;
  2. pay attention to the number of calories;
  3. do not increase the amount of food at night; have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.

After training, muscles need maintenance: the search for protein sources begins. If there is not enough of it supplied with food, the body consumes body reserves. And this leads to exhaustion. This course of events is not desirable. After all, the body needs to get rid of fat deposits, and not protein reserves.

Many people think that nutrition when working out in the gym for women to lose weight should be very meager. But this is not true at all. The following should take a strong place in the diet:

  1. various types of meat (lean),
  2. fish,
  3. eggs,
  4. nuts,
  5. legume products,
  6. broccoli,
  7. asparagus,
  8. pumpkin,
  9. seeds,
  10. and other useful products.

In order to feel a noticeable surge of energy and have the desire to increase training, the body requires carbohydrates. But the consumption of flour should be approached intelligently, since a large amount can easily provoke excess weight gain. It is advisable to opt for simple carbohydrates.

If you completely give up fat, weight loss will happen faster. But this can cause hormonal imbalance. Therefore, you just need to reduce your intake of fatty foods. Vegetable oils, fish oil, and various cheeses are suitable sources of fat. Consume animal fats only if it is difficult for you to completely give them up.

It is advisable not to use fried foods in your diet for weight loss. If you're cooking your own dinner, replace the frying pan with a steamer.

During exercise, it is important for a woman to maintain and increase the strength of the body. In the diet, it is advisable to increase the amount of calcium-rich foods. These are beans, beans, peas, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, oatmeal. Calcium is present in the following fruits and berries:

  1. strawberries,
  2. gooseberry,
  3. grape,
  4. peach,
  5. a pineapple,
  6. orange,
  7. currant,
  8. apricot.

Eat 2 hours before exercise. By the start of classes, the process of digesting food will not yet be completed, so hunger will not bother you. It is highly not recommended to exercise on a full stomach. But you can drink, but not in large sips. Know when to stop: the body should not be oversaturated with water.

The type of liquid also matters for weight loss. Avoid sweet lemonades, coffee with sugar and tea. The best drinks for women are pure water, water with a slice of lemon, and natural juices. If you like sweet tea, drink it with honey rather than sugar. When you receive a large amount of fluid, your metabolism accelerates. This helps eliminate toxins and helps remove excess weight.

In connection with fitness classes, the body works in an enhanced mode. Therefore, even if you eat heavily, you may not feel full. You need to wait a little after eating. The signal to eat will arrive in the brain no earlier than 10-15 minutes after the start of the meal. This is another reason why you should eat slowly.

Don't be surprised if by doing exercises for a certain part of the body, you start losing weight in a completely different place. After all, metabolism accelerates everywhere. In a month of regular and intensive work in the gym, a woman can lose from two to four kilograms. But remember that by returning to a passive lifestyle, weight gain is inevitable in the near future. Building your body is a constant and continuous lifelong process - remember this...

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