Bodybuilder nutrition.

According to the majority of athletes who have achieved real success and respect in the world of bodybuilding, progress and muscle growth will depend on nutrition even more than on training. The diet of a bodybuilder is an order of magnitude different from the diet of an ordinary person, although almost the same products are consumed, but much, called “gastronomic garbage,” is completely discarded. These are mainly: mayonnaise, confectionery products with vegetable fats and others. Something is used in different proportions and quantities.

But the nutrition of bodybuilders is also influenced by whether they participate in competitions and at what stage of preparation they are. If a person trains for himself and just wants to grow, then all he needs is to eat a lot and properly, stick to the right proportions of protein, carbohydrates and fats in order to progress.

When the goal is to become more toned, carbohydrates simply begin to be cut and you can gradually dry out a little for the beach season. But if we are talking about professional bodybuilding, then everything is much stricter here. The percentage of daily protein consumed should be at least 2-3 g per 1 kg of human body weight. Carbohydrates and fats are calculated again from the preparation period; at the pre-competition stages, carbohydrates can be reduced to only 50-100 g, or the athlete switches to a carbohydrate-free diet.

  1. For the beginning athlete:
  2. A basic set of products “for those in the know”:
  3. Meal frequency:

For the beginning athlete:

Those who have just decided to become the “architect” of their body need to adhere to a specific nutrition plan. During the first 5-6 weeks of training (regular training), you need to start gradually giving up confectionery products, animal fats, rolls and bread made from white flour, carbonated drinks such as cola, etc. It is better to completely remove sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products and other foods from your diet. canned food

It is important for a beginning athlete to select the right products that will maintain good health, give energy, but also not have harmful effects. In nutrition, a bodybuilder should lean more on the following sources of protein:

  1. a) lean meat;
  2. b) fish and seafood;
  3. c) poultry meat;
  4. d) milk and low-fat dairy products;
  5. d) legumes.

In the first months of training, you need to provide yourself with at least 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of your own body weight (daily requirement). Protein, of course, is important, but you won’t be able to fully grow and find strength for training without carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be simple (you should almost completely avoid them - these are the same sweets, rolls, etc.) and complex. But it’s quite possible to get complex carbohydrates from foods such as:

  1. all kinds of cereals (except polished rice and semolina);
  2. pasta made from dark varieties of flour (there is even pasta made from buckwheat flour, which is very tasty);
  3. muesli (not sugar cereal);
  4. potatoes (to preserve the valuable potassium from potatoes, it is recommended to bake them in their skins);
  5. fruits and vegetables.

You need to be careful with juices - they have a very high sugar content. Bread is healthy if it is yeast-free, with bran or grain. Sources of healthy fats for bodybuilders include oils (olive, sunflower, everyone’s favorite and revered flaxseed), fatty fish, nuts, and butter in small quantities. Approximately 20% of the total daily calories should be allocated to fats.

A basic set of products “for those in the know”:

The average 95 kg bodybuilder who wants to grow and progress well should consume the following amount of food (daily diet):

  1. Chicken breast – 200-300 g (weight of finished products);
  2. Seafood – 200-300 g;
  3. Low-fat fish – 150-200 g;
  4. Veal or beef – 100-200 g;
  5. Low-fat cottage cheese – 200-250 g;
  6. Whey protein isolate – 1 serving, which should consist of 30 g of powder and a glass of skim milk;
  7. Egg whites – 6-8 pieces.

As you can see, the set of products is not weak, but everyone has an idea of ​​what form it should have and understands that in order to achieve this, the body needs to grow on something, and the main source of growth is protein.

Meal frequency:

So, we have considered the issues of diet and menu composition. What about the meal schedule? – this is also an important point, isn’t it? The standard three meals a day is not suitable for a bodybuilder...

Long-term studies conducted by World Sports Medicine Experts have established that a bodybuilder should eat approximately every 2 hours. Eating a little, but often, is the key to good muscle growth, because if you are visited by a feeling of hunger, it means you are degrading: you do not gain, but on the contrary, you lose: when you feel hunger, the body begins to spend its own resources. Our task is not to use up what we have, but rather to accumulate new things. So don’t give your head even a chance!

Eat right, exercise regularly, and then progress in muscle growth will not take long to happen, which is what we, on behalf of the administration of the website, wish for you!

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