How to survive menopause?

Everyone has their own recipes for overcoming menopause. For some, the transition to maturity comes quite easily, while others have to sweat, both literally and figuratively. Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Stella Zakharova has her own secrets.

“You need to prepare for menopause from childhood,” Stella is sure. “After all, being beautiful in youth is God’s gift, and in adulthood it is an art. The art of being a woman. So, when you become a grandmother, the main thing is not to lock yourself in the kitchen by the stove and not count that life has already been lived." The recipe from Stella Zakharova is to always stay on the crest of the wave, even in such difficult periods as menopause.

Doctors recommend, first of all, to take everything as it comes and not to be nervous. Yes, menopause is uncomfortable, but it will pass, you just have to wait it out. It is very important at this moment to get carried away with something, so that your thoughts are occupied with what you love, and not with all sorts of nonsense. And, most importantly, the female body during menopause requires an increased amount of fluid, so it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of ordinary water per day.

And sexologists remind us that men also experience menopause. And although it is not as noticeable as in women, at this time your significant other requires a little more attention and care. Considering that a man will not speak directly about the observed age-related changes, it is important to notice his changed behavior and support him.