Marmalade, jelly and jam remove toxins from the body

Many people love sweets, but do not always understand how they affect their health. Recently, scientists from the University of Stockholm stated that marmalade, fruit jellies and jams from berries and fruits can help cleanse the body of harmful substances thanks to the pectin they contain.

Pectin is a water-soluble plant substance that is commonly found in berries, fruits and vegetables. It plays an important role in stabilizing metabolism, reducing cholesterol in the body, improving peripheral circulation and intestinal motility. But perhaps the most valuable property of pectin is its ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

How it works? Pectin, passing through the stomach and intestines, collects and binds toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances, which are then removed from the body. This process is called chelation.

In addition, pectin does not disturb the bacteriological balance of the body, which is another advantage. According to scientists, daily consumption of marmalade, jelly and jam can help reduce the risk of unpleasant complications, but will not solve all the body’s problems.

It is worth noting that marmalade, jelly and jam are not the only products that contain pectin. It is also present in apples, citrus fruits, apricots, cranberries, carrots, beets and other vegetables and fruits.

But don't overindulge in sweets, as they may contain too much sugar and cause other health problems. It is best to include a variety of vegetables and fruits in your diet to ensure you get enough pectin and other nutrients.

In conclusion, we can say that marmalade, jelly and jam can help cleanse the body of harmful substances thanks to the pectin they contain. However, they cannot replace a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. To stay healthy, you need to watch your diet, include a variety of vegetables and fruits, and avoid excessive consumption of sweets.