How to protect yourself from sunstroke?

Sunstroke, unfortunately, is an unpleasant but common occurrence during the hot summer season. How to protect yourself from it and never stop enjoying the summer - I WANT to know.

Sunstroke is a special form of heatstroke. This is a painful condition accompanied by a disorder of the brain due to prolonged exposure to sunlight on the uncovered surface of the head. Sunstroke, as a rule, is accompanied by the following symptoms - general weakness, headache, nausea, rapid pulse and breathing, dilated pupils, noise or buzzing in the ears, uncertainty of movements, unsteady gait, and sometimes fainting.

The sun poses the greatest danger to the elderly, children, people with chronic heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

I WANT to share with you important and useful recommendations on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from sunstroke:

  1. Peak solar activity is the period from 12 to 16 hours. Try to plan your day so that during this dangerous period you do not be outside in direct and active sunlight.

  2. In summer, choose your clothes carefully. Give preference to light colors, loose fit and light natural fabrics.

  3. Never forget about a hat for yourself and your children. People with blond hair or baldness are a particular risk group.

  4. Drink water or herbal tea regularly to replace fluid loss due to sweating.

  5. Maintain high indoor humidity to avoid dehydration.

  6. If possible, avoid stuffy public transport.

Remember these simple tips, and don’t let anything distract you from carefree summer days!