About ours, about women's... Which method of contraception should you prefer?

There are many methods of contraception, and choosing the best one is an important task for every woman. Let's look at the main types of contraception, their advantages and disadvantages.

Barrier methods (condom, diaphragm, spermicides) reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. However, they require constant use directly during sexual intercourse, which can reduce the severity of sensations.

Hormonal contraceptives (pills, patches, rings) provide high reliability when used correctly. But they can have side effects due to hormonal effects on the body.

IUDs are also very reliable, but require insertion by a doctor and can cause bleeding and pain. But after installation, you can forget about them for several years.

The calendar method requires careful consideration of the days of the cycle and abstinence on certain days. Suitable only for women with regular cycles and strong motivation.

You can also combine several methods to improve reliability. For example, use a condom along with hormonal pills.

When choosing contraception, it is important to consider your age, health status, pregnancy plans, and personal preferences. You should not rely on dubious methods like coitus interruptus. It is better to consult a gynecologist and choose the best option for yourself.

The main thing is to remember that contraception should bring a feeling of security and comfort, not discomfort. Then it will be effective and will not interfere with enjoying your intimate life.